Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 5 - A Little Rain Never Hurt Anyone

We woke up today with the intention of spending some time at the beach. However, the clouds started rolling in and soon the rain started to fall. BUT today is the first day of "rebajas" when most of the shops in the city have some pretty big sales. So we braved the rain and did a little shopping.

One our way back, we stopped at Plaza Sant Felip Neri. This is a very small quiet spot that we visited last year and I was glad to go back. We were even able to sneak into the church since they were having mass.

I also wanted to stop by Plaza del Rei so that mom could see it. I didn't expect to get into the chapel at the top of the steps but it seemed that today was one of the free days at the museum and we were able to just walk right in.

This really is one of my favorite chapels. It is so small and yet it is older than most of the cathedrals that surround it. I hope we can sneak back in one day before we leave to tour the rest of the museum.

Once we left, we stopped and grabbed some sweets from Santa Clara, a little bomboneria (bakery) down the street from Den's flat. Once we got home, it really started raining in earnest. So we just hung out, read some books, and worked on the blog.

We are currently watching Spain kick some Italian butt in the Euro Cup finals. Spain is up 2 to 0 and it seems pretty certain at this point that they will win. I am sure we will be hearing fireworks for most of the night if they do!