Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 4 - Living the High Life

Today was a very low key day. Once mom FINALLY got up it was noon. We wandered up Passeig de Gràcia to see a couple of Gaudi buildings.
Passeig de Gracia is a very long strech of road that is known for the many designer stores found on either side.
Our first stop was Casa Batillo.

Our next stop just a few blocks up was La Pedrera.
Both buildings were beautiful and we enjoyed the Gaudi influence in the neighborhood.

This lamp post is also a Gaudi design.

On the walk home we did a little shopping.....

And then stopped at TXAPELA for pintxos and some cold cerveses.

After lunch we ran into some street vendors and I scored a great little bag for myself that was a little closer to my price range!

Once back at the flat, I took another nap (anyone seeing a pattern here) and then we made a special trip to Tiffany & Co. so that someone could pick out a pretty little something to take home (not me).

After mom's purchase we grabbed dinner, caught a good after dinner show behind the cathedral,
and then called it a night.