Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Barcelona Day 2

It is about 11:30 pm and although we are winding down, the city outside my balcony is just gearing up. Since we all sleep with the doors open, it will be my background noise as I drift off to sleep tonight. I need to make sure I have a video camera handy because last night I was woken up by a group singing in harmony as they walked down the street.

We started our day off with coffee from La Granja. Den took us there to show us one of the old Roman walls that runs through the city. This one just happens to be one of the walls in the coffee shop.

This is Luke and Den with the Roman wall behind them.

On our way to the market we stopped at Santa Maria del Pi.

We were able to enter this cathedral and it was beautiful.

Once we got to the market, we looked around at all the fresh food available. Teena and I agreed that if we lived here, we would come every day.

After the market, we walked by the Cathedral of Barcelona on our way back to Den's flat.

Once we were back at Den's, we had lunch, met up with Christina and headed back out the door again to see a church Teena had read about in a book.
On the way to Teena's church we passed a few sections of the Roman wall.

And even stepped in and saw some ancient Roman columns.

We finally made it to Santa Maria del Mar. It really sneaks up on you because you just turn a corner and there it is! Most of the other churches have big plazas in front but this one was just tucked away in the neighborhood.

After visiting this cathedral we stopped for a little refreshment. :)

After our...refreshment, we had to say good by to Christina and we decided to grab a slice of pizza from an Argentinian restaurant.

Then we headed to the beach.

We walked the length of two beaches and ended up at one of the smaller marinas.
By then it was time to head back to the flat because Luke and Teena's bags were supposed to be arriving from the airport.

We had a great time and although this post is long it is only the abbreviated version of everything we did and saw today. I will try to update again tomorrow! And if I got any of the names or places wrong it is not my fault! Everyone else is fast asleep and I have no one to help me remember. :) Buenas noches!

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